

Register for our MSPGeek Vendor Spotlight GeekCast. BVoip will be focusing on MS Teams and how to bridge modern day communications with legacy voice, pure educational non-marketing content!

bvoip is an award-winning, cloud-based channel only unified communications platform that does more than just make the phone ring!


Founded out of an MSP, bvoip was built to solve the missing gap in the communications space that left IT Service Providers and MSPs trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

  • First, nobody wants to be competing with their vendors. You shouldn’t have to
  • Second, why is there such a lack of true integration and automation with the tools, apps, and technology that you run your business with and your communications vendor?
  • Third, it should be easy to standardize and offer a solution to your end customer that solves the same problems for you and help enhance their business. It should be more than just making a phone ring!

Here at bvoip, we concentrate our efforts on the Partner First. We get that if you are offering a solution to your end customer (and you probably should) that it needs to be a great experience for them too. However, we wanted to get deep bringing some workflow-based automation, business intelligence, and a little bit of imagination to what most feel is a commoditized area.

Through a single platform we solve for things like…

  • Targeted based call routing (by ticket, order, caller ID, and more)
  • User based authentication by PIN Number… that you manage out of your PSA
  • Instant popping of tools like your documentation platform when calls hit your team
  • Instantly tag calls to users, companies, tickets, opportunities and not just in one system but many systems at once. For example, a CRM system and your PSA at the same time.
  • Automatic upload of call recordings to your CRM or PSA
  • Meshed reporting of your phone calls with your CRM or PSA data
  • Real-time dashboards and wallboards to make sure things are happening when they should
  • And even a progressive dialer to run campaigns from your CRM or PSA marketing lists with voicemail drops, email follow ups, and quick notes
  • Oh and let’s not forget auto escalation of voicemails via call, sms, email which is a great after hours solution and auto queue login / logout so your team is automatically on or off call by schedule
  • We didn’t even touch Microsoft Teams Voice Integration, Contact Center Functionality, and of lastly making a phone ring….All Channel-Only with no long term agreements or vendor lock-in

In short, bvoip isn’t just another “me-too” voice solution we actually solve business challenges and create answers for you to help your day-to-day business workflow!

bvoip is also vendor-agnostic, integrating seamlessly with tools you already use such as:

  • ConnectWise Manage, Datto Autotask, IT Glue, BrightGauge, HubSpot, Salesforce, ServiceNow, Syncro MSP, and other apps that you and your end customers run your businesses on

With a continuously growing list of integrations and recently we announced over 100 new features to our platform

Getting Started with bvoip

What the MSPGeek community says:

We have been with BVOIP for almost a year now. Overall, the support staff is great, I can always get in touch with my account manager and from the sales side of things, they make things very easy to understand. Very impressed with the recent changes they have made to the knowlegebase as well. I give a 9 out of 10, because there is always room for improvement, and I know certain items are on the radar for the future. Thanks to George, and the team at BVOIP for amazing service!

Central PA Technologies, LLC


Bvoip has been a wonderful resource to add to our solution stack. Not only do they have a great bundled solution, but their responsiveness and support are exactly what it should be as an MSP Channel Partner.

WEBIT Services, Inc

bvoip from day 1 has been an awesome partner. The service is second to none. We migrated all of our clients to bvoip for our voice offering and haven’t turned back since.


Before bvoip I really wasn’t confident in our voice vendor. Since we connecting with bvoip we have not only found a partner we can rely on but have discovered a true profit center.

Premier Data System

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