Community Members
Slack Members

Our Story

MSPGeek was founded in 2013, as 'LabTechGeek', by Martyn T. Keigher & Greg Buerk. Their goal was to build a platform to provide ConnectWise Automate (formerly LabTech) administrators the ability to communicate and collaborate on common challenges, issues and ideas. Since then, it has matured and introduced additional opportunities to allow the continued growth and improve the daily lives of its members, both personally and professionally through the MSP/TSP or IT space.

MSPGeek Staff

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Mendy Green

CEO / Rising Tide - Founder

Board Members

Profile Pic

Martyn T. Keigher

Founder & President

Kyle Spooner

NinjaOne - Director of Product Analysis
2020-12-03 19_18_44-About Me – – Everything ConnectWise Automate, LabTech, MSP and Report

Gavin Stone

NinjaOne - Director of Product Management
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Darren White

Apex - Sr Systems Engineer / God of CW Automate

Michael Priest

Independent Consultant
Ashley Cooper

Ashley Cooper

Rewst - VP Customer Experience

Amanda Lachapelle

Vice-President / COO at B4 Networks

Kelvin Tegelaar

CTO at Lime Networks

Jason Slagle

President at CNWR, Inc

“A rising tide raises all ships.”

– Martyn T. Keigher, Founder/President


A community built by service providers, office admins, technicians, and business executives working to stay ahead of the rapidly changing technical and security landscape, and how it relates to operating an MSP/TSP.

All of us are looking to provide our partner base and clients top-notch service, eager to provide the best-in-class products and solutions. We work together to help solve their problems, and our own, sharing and collaborating on techniques to keep efficiency at a maximum.

Our community admins not only help run and give back to the community, but are also a part of MSP life. Most of the admin staff are involved in various positions and roles running an MSP/TSP, while others service the MSP space in consulting, development, or implementation of solutions and best business practices.

Join our community today to meet thousands of members from both Vendors and Technology Service Providers and receive honest, helpful, feedback. It’s a world where we all work together to help everyone succeed.


As a group of service providers in a crowded world we’ve identified several problems.

  • Many technicians spend their time recreating the wheel instead of reusing what’s already made, or are failing to automate for a solution they have.
  • Lots of various vendors exist to provide different options for the same solution making it difficult to know which one to use or trust. Additionally, communication with your chosen vendor is often difficult, especially when you’re dealing with a hard to recreate issue on a smaller scale, or looking for a quick simple answer.
  • Classically trained engineers education, without being tempered with experience, will often fall short in real world scenarios.

At MSPGeek, we have built a platform where we work to solve all of these issues and more.

  • We store a massive repository on our forums of problems going back years that contains solutions all scripted out, as well as discussions on the best way to automate in general.
  • We bring in trusted vendors who are willing and interested in communicating with their partners giving them a platform to interact, and not just the sales side either.
  • We provide a massive scale for testing issues you’re running into, this will help identify if its “just you” or a bug you’ve run into and can help you escalate faster.
  • Lastly we bring together experience from all areas and all types of people so you can rely on their knowledge and learn from them. From “how to” business questions to simple automation questions.