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AutoElevate is a Privilege Access Management (PAM) solution that helps you find and close security holes, reduce technician workload, and improves your user’s experience.

Regardless of your security strategy one of the things at the top of your list should be to remove Admin privileges. If you have any machines running with Admin privileges the security of your whole security stack is being undermined.

Many MSPs have more privileges out there than they realize or would like!

AutoElevate can help you identify, automatically remove, and automate privileges to get everyone on standard privileges without creating a burden on your technical staff or aggravating your clients. You can easily whitelist and automate privileges for specific software publishers, line of business applications, installers, updaters, system actions and more!

AutoElevate has a convenient mobile app along with robust integrations with popular RMM and PSA systems which will reduce your ticket counts, save technician time, automatically document actions taken, and will automate/streamline the use of privileges.

AutoElevate is a channel only solution built specifically for MSPs which is easy to implement, has a low cost of entry, and just a month-to-month commitment.

Get started with AutoElevate Today

What the MSPGeek community says:

I have to be honest—since I moved to AutoElevate, I haven’t used an Admin password on a workstation. I trialed it for 2 days and then told the owner I’d buy it out of my pocket if he said no. Seriously, though, Autoelevate is just what Admin access should be. For me, it’s by far the most cost-effective tool I have.

Will G. Network Administrator, (MSPGeek Member)

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