
MSPGeekCon 2024 Speaker Sessions

As MSPGeekCon 2024 rapidly approaches, it’s shaping up to be an event that’ll rewrite the playbook! We’re thrilled to introduce the lineup of 24 phenomenal speakers set to educate, encourage, and inspire technicians at every stage of their professional journey.

This year, our Educational team reviewed well over 100 submitted talks, and while we wished we could feature them all, for time and space restrictions we were only able to accept the very top of the list, so you’re guaranteed amazing talks from amazing people. Whether you aim to be at the forefront of technological advancements, enhance your operational strategies, or simply gather wisdom from the best and the brightest, MSPGeekCon 2024 is sure to have sessions that speak to you, where you are now and where you want to be.

Lastly, before we post the accepted speakers, a huge shoutout to our vibrant community – THANK YOU, your engagement has been phenomenal! Having 100 talks submitted for review was a challenge we didn’t take lightly, as each submission was brimming with potential. We were honestly torn, wishing we could feature them all and are grateful for the willingness to share knowledge so open-handedly in the MSPGeek Community.

Don’t miss out on this treasure trove of knowledge that’s bound to propel you and your team to new heights. Perfect for charting the next steps in your journey upward and onward, learn more about the conference and secure your tickets at

2024 Speakers by Track

People, Process, Automation

  • The Automation Mindset | Jared Brantley, Director of DevOps, Snap Tech IT
    “In this session, I’d like to cover what a day looks like in the life of an automation engineer, designing and building automation, determining if the juice is worth the squeeze, and cover best practices. The flow will start out around a “day in the life.” From there, we’ll move in to the design process. The design process will focus on how to identify the goal for the automation, talk about planning for the “what if” scenarios, and then discuss concepts like error handling. After that, I’ll talk about how to determine the return for an automation. This will cover how to present your time savings to leadership and track your results. Lastly, we’ll talk about best practices like commenting code, naming of variables, and process flow with time at the end for Q&A”
  • Powershell Scripts for the Tier 1 Soul | Neil Fowler, Olive Branch IT – Multiple Hats
    “Tier 1 techs need generalized management tools that are not vendor-ware specific, that work out of box on any Windows machine, which they can take with them to any other job, that they can create themselves with zero prior knowledge. [In this session, we will:] (1) Use freely available tools to develop scripts for your company needs with zero powershell knowledge. (2) Employer irrelevant script design philosophy so you can take your code library with you and be an all-star on day 1 using any vendor-ware at your new company. (3) Common office software deployment, set and forget windows updates and upgrades, simple office 365 management code, windows fleet maintenance scripts, standardize settings, all from my hand-built library with zero powershell knowledge.”
  • Devops and Data Analytics in the MSP World | Jeffrey Hirth, Director of Strategy & Development, Network Doctor
    “Building automation solutions that actually succeed in the msp space can be really hard. Sure, you can adopt one of the vendor tools and mold your process to the tool and you might notch some wins but also many misses. Finding real success means mining your data to find the juiciest problems, then developing solutions rapidly, getting feedback, and reiterating in a constant loop, measuring and proving business value as you go. In this session I’ll cover how to easily implement the cwm api in PowerBI to do some quick and dirty labor and ticket analytics. Then I’ll move on to how to adopt agile process tools to manage a CI/CD pipeline focused on delivering highest priority and highest value solutions quickly. Finally, I’ll talk about building teams with skin in the game who do development but also have exposure to the tickets that we seek to automate. It’s DevOps but MSP style. My goal is to have attendees walk away inspired to do more than just sign up for the latest vendor tool. I love the vendor tools – nothing against them! But I want people to realize that they can think and do outside of that box.”
  • Operationalizing No: How to focus on what you’re good at | Dean Trempelas, Helpt
    “From making business decisions, to simply handling escalations and working with your teammates, knowing how to say no and focus on what you’re good at will improve your profitability, mental health, job performance, and overall satisfaction. Its not just business owners that have that entrepreneur/visionary mindset of “what if” or “if only” or “I’m sure I could”. We all need to remember that we are amazing at something; its why we’re here; Don’t let the “what if” district you from the wow you could deliver now.”
  • Home assistant and the art of troubleshooting | Kevin Dutkiewicz, OIT VOIP, LLC, Chief Technology Officer
    “We are nerds. We tinker and we build systems not only for work but for home as well. Whether its for personal or for work, the same fundamental events happen. Join me on my journey deploying my personal home assistant instance and highlight how the core setup mirrors what we do day to day in a support role. I will highlight key concepts like proper troubleshooting, what it means to budget a project, and how to work with other team members coordinating efforts.”
  • The Intersection of Human Ingenuity and Automated Efficiency | Brandon Martinez, Sr IT Manager and Automation Guru @ eTop Technology
    “In this session, we will explore how the collaboration of human creativity and process automation leads to revolutionary solutions for an MSP, highlighting the crucial role of identifying processes that are ripe for automation and the strategies for effective implementation. Focusing on platforms you use day to day, we’ll discuss case studies demonstrating the synergy between human-led insights and automated processes in your PSA, RMM, and client-facing resources such as Microsoft 365 and Azure. The session will delve into the theoretical aspects of automation, offering insights into the strategic planning and execution of automation initiatives in MSP environments. Attendees will learn how to effectively balance automation with human decision-making, ensuring the highest efficiency and quality of service delivery.”

Secure, Defend, Recover

  • A Technician’s Guide to understanding GRC | Adam Evans, Compliance Officer, Axiom
    “CMMC, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, SOC, SOX, GBLA, oh my! I’m sure it looks like a cat just ran across the keyboard. However, these compliance mandates are a reality that MSPs continue to find themselves dealing with. Understanding these mandates can be a monumental task and supporting them can be a significant challenge. But what if I’m new to the world of governance, risk, and compliance or what if cybersecurity isn’t my strength? That’s okay! In this session, we’ll take a look at some of these mandates and take the time to understand where they come from. From there, we’ll reduce them to their primary objectives. Then we can start building a framework – balancing compliance objectives with a robust security posture. Once we’re done, you should understand why GRC matters, how to navigate these mandates, and how to navigate your day-to-day life under the umbrella of compliance.”
  • Painting a Brighter Future for SMB & MSP Defenses | Amanda Berlin, Lead Incident Detection Engineer, Blumira
    “Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) and Managed Service Providers (MSPs) play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of cybersecurity. By refocusing efforts on empowering this significant majority, all markets will begin to benefit. When we delve into attack surface analysis, we uncover some astonishing facts. SMBs and MSPs collectively constitute more than 90% of all businesses worldwide. Despite their sheer prevalence, they receive only a fraction of the cybersecurity attention that enterprises do. While each SMB may possess less data individually, their sheer number means they collectively harbor the lion’s share of sensitive information. It’s no surprise, then, that cybercriminals have increasingly targeted them, as evidenced by the surge in ransomware campaigns against SMBs. The ultimate objective is to democratize security, making it accessible to the vast majority of businesses. Achieving this requires a fundamental shift in perspective: acknowledging that SMBs and MSPs represent not just a sizable attack surface but also the custodians of a substantial volume of data. Although the task may seem intricate, it is imperative to devise customized solutions for SMBs, recognizing them as the driving force and the future of cybersecurity. By supporting this majority, we pave the way for an ecosystem where all businesses can attain robust security measures.

    This presentation aims to shed light on how we can better support the majority by:
    • Using SMB and MSP incident retrospectives to cast a light on common attacks.
    • Implementing cost-effective solutions that can scale across multiple clients.
    • Streamlining the implementation and management of security measures.
    • Maximizing the utility of limited security budgets and resources.
    • Employing layered defense strategies that strike a balance between protection and usability.
    • Developing threat models that specifically target the most probable attack vectors for SMBs.
    • Tailoring security fundamentals to suit the unique environments of SMBs.
    • Promoting industry-wide outreach and educational initiatives.”
  • Switching Up The Stack: Transitioning MSP-Critical Applications | Ryan Southwell, Director of Tech Ops / MSP Consultant
    “We’ve all heard of ‘The Stack.’ We administer it, deploy it, troubleshoot it, live our professional lives by it; some of us even define ourselves by it. But what happens when it seems like part of ‘The Stack’ needs to be changed? Attend this session to learn the whys and hows of transitioning any component of your MSP’s application stack with the maximum likelihood of success and minimal downtime. Come to discuss the finer points of undocumented integrations, internal resistance to change, unfamiliarity with a new tool, how to overcome all of these… and more!”
  • He is the one who knocks; I’m the one that makes you comply | Tarah Wheeler, CEO – Red Queen Dynamics and Deviant Ollam, Physical Penetration Specialist
    “Many of you may be familiar with the phrase “These rules are written in blood” when referring to OSHA safety practices. If not that, there’s also the slightly less macabre, “Every policy has a great story behind it.” Compliance rules often have similar origin stories… and we’re here to tell them. MSPs are often tasked with helping their small business clients with security compliance needs that may seem absurd, but in reality such controls are there to stop folks like Deviant Ollam from plying their trade. During this talk Tarah Wheeler – CEO of Red Queen Dynamics – and Deviant Ollam – Renowned Physical Security Consultant and Penetration Tester – will break down and demonstrate some of the attacks that led to the compliance rules which MSPs need to support for their clients. Live demos, stories, and expert commentary on how these things all relate to MSP client security needs will leave attendees prepared to have more in-depth and informative conversations with their clients about “ridiculous unnecessary compliance requirements.” (And if you didn’t know, Tarah and Dev are married… watch the onstage sparks fly as they deliver a talk together for the first time ever.)”
  • CMMC and MSPs: The Sky is (Kind Of) Falling | Andy Sauer, CISO at Sentinel Blue
    “MSPs who support defense and federal contractors are increasingly fielding the question “What is CMMC? What do we need to do about it?” – even non-US entities are getting in on the action, with early indications that CMMC might become a competitive global standard for cybersecurity compliance. With the latest information coming from the CMMC program indicating a massive impact on the traditional MSP model, it’s important we clear the air on unmuddy the waters, so your team can know exactly what you need to do to continue (or start) supporting these clients.”

The Human Side of Tech

  • Zen and the Art of IT Support | Dave Coles, VP of Technology, Castle Rock Sky
    “This engaging talk delves into the transformative power of mindfulness for IT service support agents. It focuses on how incorporating mindfulness practices into the daily routines of these professionals can significantly reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and foster a more positive working environment. By doing so, not only is the well-being of the agents enhanced, but there is also a noticeable improvement in the quality of customer service they provide. The talk will cover practical mindfulness strategies, supported by real-world examples, demonstrating their effectiveness in similar professional settings. Attendees will leave with actionable insights on implementing these techniques to create a more mindful, efficient, and customer-centric IT support team.”
  • Wired for Empathy: Redefining Tech Support with a Human Touch | Matthew Pincus, Founder of Helpt
    “In an increasingly digital world, technical expertise alone isn’t enough. “Wired for Empathy” delves into the crucial synergy between technical prowess and empathetic support in the managed services industry. This session offers a deep dive into how integrating empathy transforms tech support, fostering stronger client relationships and more effective problem-solving. Through real-world examples and interactive exercises, attendees will discover actionable strategies to infuse empathy into their tech support toolkit.”
  • The Ideal Team Player: Essential Virtues for MSP Engineers | Dan Congiusti, Dcon, just another Automation Engineer
    Navigating the complex landscape of MSPs requires more than technical acumen. It demands excellence in teamwork and collaboration. Drawing from Patrick Lencioni’s “The Ideal Team Player”, this session focuses on the three critical virtues. Humility, hunger, and people smarts through the lens of an MSP Engineer. We’ll explore how these traits are vital for MSP Engineers who frequently interact with diverse teams and clients. Attendees will gain insights into developing these key virtues to enhance their collaborative skills, leading to more effective and harmonious team environments.
  • Tech or MSP Owner: The Internal Struggle | Jim-Barry Behar, President/CEO of Relentless Solutions
    “Are you a tech? An owner? If you’re both, or aspiring to be then this session is for you. Whether leading a team or on your own, there’s a daily struggle to straddle these two roles and there are many prongs within each of the roles that have come up over and over again. I’ve lived this life for long time. I will share some history and solutions, and make this session interactive to help with the personal or business struggles you may be facing.”
  • I Hired and Fired an MSP | Heather Johnson, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Gozynta, Vice-President of the National Society of IT Service Providers
    “Through some fun storytelling, this session will walk through the process with the customer of an MSP to better understand the selection process from the customer’s perspective. You will find out what they really care about; thoughts on how to make yourself more “sticky” with your customers and how to communicate your value to all the key decision-makers.”
  • Improving Service to Ownership Communication | Dan Komis, TechRunner IT – Owner/Captain
    Have an idea to improve something at your company but are hesitant to bring it to ownership/management? Let’s help people understand what leadership needs to make a decision/change. Value to client, value to MSP and value to yourself. The more one develops these instincts the more valuable you become as an employee. This will also lead to you becoming a better listener, which improves life in incalculable ways. Could improve every relationship in your life. The impact spirals out. You could open yourself up to possibilities never knew existed. Game changer? LIFE changer? It’s up to you.

Goots’ Choice: Celebration!

  • How can we build a company culture worth giving a shit about? | Connor Swalm – CEO @ Phin Security
    “Your company’s culture is the number one thing that contributes to employee wellness, fulfillment, and your company’s profit. A culture that prioritizes peoples’ health, advancement, life balance, and excellence is a necessary requirement for companies that want to serve their clients well and attract talented, passionate employees to help them do so. Building and maintaining a company culture is the equal responsibility of the business’s leaders and the business’s employees. Many employees believe that building and maintaining company culture is solely the responsibility of the company leaders, and they couldn’t be further from the truth! Everyone has a role to play in creating and maintaining a culture that works to build the company and the individuals up at the same time. The goal of this talk is that every employee in the audience can leave with actionable ideas to start conversations at their own place of work and that every leader in the audience can go back to their own company and empower their employees to build a company culture worth giving a shit about.”
  • How to think like a Product Manager (and why you’d want to) | Scott Stanley, Product Manager, NinjaOne
    “So there’s this thing called Product Management. It forces you do some things that are pretty hard every day. You have to make very difficult choices with regards to priority, and you need to be honest with all the stakeholders about what you’re doing and why. You also need to know how to network and lead by influence rather than authority. This is a super valuable skill for everyone from helpdesk technicians to CEOs. I thought it’d be fun to talk about my journey learning to do it.”
  • Frameworks as Friends: Applying lessons learned in IT and Compliance to health and life | Adam Duman, Manager, Information Security and Compliance @ Vanta & Owner @ AZ DesertSec
    “What do things like High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Obesity, Insomnia, or Diabetes have in common with Phishing, Access Reviews, Incident Response, VLans and Auditors or Regulators? In this talk I will provide a practical understanding of how to apply lessons learned on the job supporting and implementing frameworks like CIS, SOC II, ISO27001, and more to our health and wellness outcomes. We will compare some of the root causes of IT and Security issues to those of health and wellness challenges. I will also propose solutions that leverage skills from one area to support continuous improvement and growth in the other.”
  • Panel Discussion: Learn from our Mistakes | John Harden, I solve SaaS problems.
    “Join us for a candid and insightful panel discussion where seasoned IT veterans share their personal experiences of facing challenges and making mistakes throughout their careers. From project mishaps to misjudged decisions, our panelists will openly discuss the lessons they’ve learned along the way and offer valuable insights into what they wish they had known earlier. Gain practical advice and strategic tips as our panelists reflect on their past missteps and explore the valuable wisdom gained from those experiences. Whether you’re a budding IT professional or a seasoned veteran yourself, this session promises to be an enlightening journey through the trials and triumphs of navigating the ever-evolving landscape of information technology.”
  • The Culture Triangle | Amanda Lachapelle, VP of Operations at B4 Networks
    “It’s been a popular topic to discuss toxic leaders and toxic workplaces but what often gets missed is how the culture in a workplace is not just set by ownership or those at the top – it’s in each team member to row together and set the tone for what great looks like. If we want to create inclusive and supportive workplaces we have to be the change we want to see and work together to create a place that we enjoy coming it to each day. talk goes through 3 principles of what I’d like to call the culture triangle: Allowance, Accountability and Recognition. Each of these principles have a positive way and a negative way to apply them and without realizing or being aware we may be applying them in a negative way. If we can correct our own contribution within the workplace it won’t just affect the workplace but also our own well being.”
  • Prime Directive: Civics for Techs | Elizabeth Copeland, Partner, Rising Tide & Jonathan “Sauce” Marinaro, Technical Sales Director, Celerium
    “Tech: the Final Frontier. These are the logs of the Starship MSPGeekCon. We believe that the future of IT belongs to MSPs. MSPs coming into their own and understanding their sense of place in the world, and owning it. We need MSPs at their best, not just technically, but civically, to ensure that we have the voices of democracy married with the voices of reason and skill. Sauce and El have experience and insight into ways that technical people: technicians, tradesmen, and technologists can most effectively be force multipliers to cultivate the future of tech, and of our world, by engaging in civic interests though volunteering, working, and speaking with your representatives.”

And there you have it, our 24 session speakers for two days of immersive learning and networking at MSPGeekCon 2024. There is something for everyone in Orlando, Florida, on May 19-21, and we hope you’ll join the Celebration and secure your ticket to join us! You can pick them up here:

See you soon!

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